US Congress Holds Rocket League Championship

US Congress Holds Rocket League Championship

The Entertainment Software Association (ESA) held the Rocket League Championship among members of the US Congress. Congressmen competed in a 2 on 2 mode. The event even included a Twitch broadcast, professional commentary, and post-game interviews. But there was no award ceremony: the participants played so badly. 

Rocket League is football on wheels, and that’s all you need to know. There are two teams on the field, up to four cars in each, in the middle – a large ball, which you need to crash at full speed, hoping that it will bounce in the right direction. At the same time, there are no rules, no distribution of roles: all are both attackers and goalkeepers, and no offsides are for you. 

Steering is easy here, but learning how to handle the ball correctly is not a trivial task. The physical model is not just heavy, but merciless: the shell does not forgive any mistakes and awkwardness. At first it is impossible to send it from a certain angle, and so you are trying to at least poke it somewhere towards the goal.  


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