DC Super Heroes expansion for Rocket League released on consoles

DC Super Heroes expansion for Rocket League released on consoles

Two classic Battle Cars of the DC universe appeared on consoles in the Rocket League: 2012 The Dark Knight Rises and Batman of 1989. Also, you will find more than 20 new cool decorations and banners of the DC universe – “Superman”, “Wonder Woman.

Greetings to fans of sports and football! Today Ephemer will tell you what kind of game such a Rocket League is. And maybe you decide whether she is worthy of a purchase or not. By the way, those who think that the game opens a new concept of cars with a ball is wrong, at least twice. In the famous Top Gear show, football was shown on small cars. As for virtuality, the Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars game was released on the PlayStation 3 in rainy October 2008, I think from the name you already understood that you could do the same in it as in the Rocket League. And yes, the developer of the games is the same – Psyonix.

As you might have guessed, the essence of the game is the same as in football – score the ball into the goal of the opposing team. Unlike football, matches in the Rocket League are not halved and last 5 minutes each. There is also overtime, before the first goal. The maximum on the field can be 4 cars in each team, but most often they play three by three.


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