Cross-play became available in the Rocket League for all platforms

Cross-play became available in the Rocket League for all platforms

Psyonix, the developer of the Rocket League, said the game launched the Playstation Cross-Play Beta. Now players on Playstation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch and Steam users will be able to compete with each other in all modes.

If you rode the first and screwed up, you go back for the midfield boost (you can trick the enemy goalkeeper along the way if you screwed up in the corner, and the team scores), recalibrate and see which scheme to use next (whether you took the ball away and rush to gate, or the attack continues there).

Again, don’t be scared and try to manually establish such interaction with your team, it starts to work on an intuitive level sooner or later. In 2×2 the same thing, but without a player with the number 2. The correct settings for the camera and buttons in the Rocket League. Most people drive with default button settings. Everyone is experimenting with the camera settings himself, or watching what professional players use.


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