Crossplay with PS4 in Rocket League is not planned yet

Crossplay with PS4 in Rocket League is not planned yet

The developers of the Rocket League were at one time one of those who criticized – albeit gently – Sony because of the lack of cross-platform support in the game.

The enemies took the ball from you. In this case, it is worth using the boosts and collecting others along the way, move to your gate. Usually when an enemy team brings the ball to the wall, in the area of ​​the corner or goal, among them confusion begins. In this case, an effective scheme comes to the rescue. If you see on the screen that one or two of your allies is near you or the ball, you need to stay in the goal. Team partners will roll the ball from where it is.

If we reduce the explanations, it turns out something like the following – the player closest to the ball knocks it out, the one closest to the first player covers it, helps. Third, last goalkeeper player. It sounds, of course, a little sophisticated, but with the acquisition of experience everything happens on the machine and that’s it. The enemy team missed the ball, we drive it to the enemy half. The second scheme will be effective here. You see that your partners are ahead of you, do not rush ahead with them, you need to be in the midfield.


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