Steam started review-bombing the Rocket League, plans to ban sales yet

Steam started review-bombing the Rocket League, plans to ban sales yet

Following the announcement that the Studio Psyonix has been bought by Epic Games, in a network there were reports that Rocket League will move to EGS by the end of the year, after which the option to buy the game be removed from Steam — but she remains with those who already have the titles.

Now, Epic Games clarified the situation. In a statement Gamer US the company explained that it did not announced the termination of sales of Rocket League on Steam.

We continue to sell Rocket League on Steam and has not announced plans to stop doing it on the court. Rocket League will remain available for new purchases on Steam, but long-term plans will be announced in the future.

Epic Games does not give concrete answers on the future Steam version of the game. There is speculation that with the launch of Rocket League in EGS, the game will switch to a different business model, therefore, the representatives of the store or share plans.

Despite the lack of concrete plans, guard Steam users already gave review-the bombing. In less than a day was written more than 1600 negative reviews, in connection with which the rating was dropped to “mixed”.


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